Monday - Friday 7:30am to 5:30pm
​****New email addresses****
Deborah Ellick -
Tricia Britton -
(301) 468-6003
Tuition and Fees
Our Current Rates
Enrollment Fees
Waitlist Fee: $175
Annual Registration Fee: $195
Security Deposit: 1/2 month tuition
First Month Tuition
Monthly Tuition
Infants (6 weeks - 18 months): $2,550
Toddlers (18 months - 2 years): $2,550
Preschool (2 - 3 years): $2,260
Preschool (2-3 years),half day 8 a.m. to1p.m.: $1115
Kindergarten Prep (3 - 5 years): $2060
Kindergarten Prep (3-5 years), half-day 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. : $1060
Annual Fee
Annual Enrollment Fee: $195
Monthly Part-Time Tuition
Two Days A Week: $1,222
Two Half Days A Week (8 a.m. to1p.m.): $740
Three Days A Week: $1,755
Three Half Days A Week (8 a.m. to 1 p.m.): $1000
Drop-In Service
Non-Student daily drop-in fee: $170
A drop-in program is available for the professional community. Your child must be pre-registered with Sugar Plums and each reservation requests must be made at least 24-hours in advance. Reservations are subject to space availability.
Tuition is paid monthly, on the first of the month, and is paid via ACH (auto withdrawal).
Termination requires a minimum one-calendar month notice and termination forms must be submitted by the last business day of the month prior to termination. (Example: If you intend to terminate on August 31st, you must give notice no later than July 31st.
Tuition months begins on the 1st and there are no 'partial months'. (Example, if you intend to terminate on August 15th, you will still be responsible for the full August tuition.)